#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use List::Util qw(shuffle); use Data::Dumper; use warnings; $|=1; my %conf = ( avail => 10, spare => 2, ipt_chain => "PREROUTING", ipt_rule => "-s %s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 777 -m statistic --mode random --probability %s -j REDIRECT --to-ports %s", ipt_table => 'nat', ipt_source4 => '', ipt_source6 => '2001:1a8f:ffff::/48', socks_offset => 9000, path => '/opt/tor', dns_check => [ 'www.google.com', 'www.youtube.com', 'www.facebook.com', 'www.baidu.com', 'www.wikipedia.org', 'www.qq.com', 'www.taobao.com', 'www.tmall.com', 'www.yahoo.com', 'www.amazon.com', 'www.twitter.com', 'www.suho.com', ], getip => 'http://www.spale.com/cgi-bin/ip.cgi', proto => { ipv4 => 1, ipv6 => 1, }, loopinterval => 10, statefile => 'var/status.txt', ); # states: startup, ready, problem, dying, killed # modes: spare, live my @var; ipt_clean(); while(1) { run(); } sub run { # check state / start new spares / etc.. check_processes(); # update conntrack session usage per client ipt_conn(); # display state of all clients show_state(); # commit log log_commit(); # wait for next loop sleep($conf{loopinterval}); } sub show_state { log_add("=======================================================================================\n"); log_add("%3s %-7s %-5s %8s %8s %15s %35s\n", "id", "state", "mode", "ipt_ipv4", "ipt_ipv6", "ipv4", "ipv6"); log_add("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { log_add("%3s %-7s %-5s %8s %8s %15s %35s\n", $id, $var[$id]{state}, $var[$id]{mode}, $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv4}, $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv6}, $var[$id]{ipv4}, $var[$id]{ipv6}, ); } log_add("=======================================================================================\n"); } sub check_processes { my $inuse=0; my @spares; # check for dead tor clients (killed or crashed) for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { if ( defined $var[$id]{pid} && $var[$id]{pid} eq waitpid($var[$id]{pid}, WNOHANG) ) { log_add("child $var[$id]{pid} died. resetting instance $id\n"); tor_dead($id); } } # check for conntrack on dying processes for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { if ( $var[$id]{state} eq 'dying' && $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv4} eq 0 && $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv6} eq 0 ) { log_add("client $id was dying and has no conntrack anymore, killing\n"); tor_kill($id); } } # check dns query for startup, read and problem clients check_dns(); # count/list available live and available spare clients for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { if ( $var[$id]{state} =~ /^(ready|problem)$/ && $var[$id]{mode} eq 'live' ) { $inuse++; } if ( $var[$id]{state} =~ /^(startup|ready|problem)$/ && $var[$id]{mode} eq 'spare' ) { push @spares, $id; } } log_add("found " . scalar(@spares) . " spare clients and $inuse live clients\n"); # check if available live processes are sufficient # and get from spare if missing if ( $inuse < $conf{avail} ) { log_add("missing live processes. looking for spares.\n"); for(my $x=0; $x<($conf{avail}-$inuse); $x++) { if ( defined $spares[0] ) { if ( $var[$spares[0]]{state} eq 'ready' ) { log_add("moving spare to prod.\n"); tor_prod(shift @spares); $inuse++; } } } } # if spares arent enough, start some more # especially useful for quick availability after initial startup for(my $x=0; $x<($conf{avail}-$inuse)/2; $x++) { tor_new(); } # check if there are enough spares if ( scalar(@spares) < $conf{spare} ) { log_add("missing spare processes, starting new ones.\n"); for(my $x=0; $x < ($conf{spare}-scalar(@spares)); $x++) { tor_new(); } } # update public ipv4/ipv6 for tunnels for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { if ( $var[$id]{state} =~ /^(ready|problem)$/ ) { getip($id,4) if $var[$id]{ipv4} eq '-'; getip($id,6) if $var[$id]{ipv6} eq '-'; } } } sub getip { my($id,$proto) = @_; open(CURL,"timeout 10 curl -f -s -$proto --socks5 localhost:$var[$id]{port} $conf{getip} |"); while() { if ( /^([0-9a-f\:\.]+)$/ ) { $var[$id]{"ipv".$proto} = $1; } } close(CURL); } sub check_dns { my @pids; log_add("DNS Check Start "); for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { # ignore clients not in bad state if ( $var[$id]{state} !~ /^(startup|ready|problem)$/ ) { next; } my $pid = fork(); if ( $pid ) { push @pids, { id => $id, pid => $pid }; log_add("."); } else { my $ok = 0; foreach my $hostname ( shuffle @{$conf{dns_check}} ) { system("timeout 5 tor-resolve $hostname$var[$id]{port} >/dev/null 2>&1"); if ( ! $? ) { $ok=1; last; } } if ( $ok ) { exit 0; } else { exit 1; } } } log_add("\n"); log_add("DNS Check results: "); foreach my $x ( @pids ) { my $id = $x->{id}; my $pid = $x->{pid}; waitpid($pid, 0); my $ok = $? ? 0 : 1; log_add($ok ? "+" : "-"); if ( $var[$id]{state} eq 'startup' ) { if ( $ok ) { $var[$id]{state} = 'ready'; } else { $var[$id]{state} = 'problem'; } } elsif ( $var[$id]{state} eq 'ready' && !$ok ) { $var[$id]{state} = 'problem'; } elsif ( $var[$id]{state} eq 'problem' ) { if ( $ok ) { $var[$id]{state} = 'ready'; } else { tor_dying($id); } } } log_add("\n"); } sub tor_new { my $next; # try to recycle a position for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { if ( $var[$id]{state} eq 'killed' ) { $next = $id; last; } } # alternatively, create a new position if ( !defined $next ) { $next = @var; } $var[$next] = { state => "startup", mode => "spare", port => $conf{socks_offset} + $next, pid => undef, ipt => { ipv4 => 0, ipv6 => 0 }, ipv4 => '-', ipv6 => '-', }; # create a config file and the required files and directories my $datadir = "$conf{path}/var/lib/$next"; my %files = ( config => "$conf{path}/etc/$next.conf", pidfile => "$conf{path}/run/$next.pid", socket => "$conf{path}/run/$next.socks", ctrl => "$conf{path}/run/$next.ctrl", cookie => "$conf{path}/run/$next.cookie", ); system("mkdir -p $datadir"); system("chmod 700 $datadir"); system("chown debian-tor:debian-tor $datadir"); foreach my $f ( keys %files ) { system("touch $files{$f}"); system("chown debian-tor:debian-tor $files{$f}"); } open(C,">$files{config}"); print C </dev/null"); die "something weng really wrong, failed to exec tor"; exit; } } sub tor_prod { my($id) = @_; # move process from spare to prod $var[$id]{mode} = 'live'; ipt_add($var[$id]{port}); } sub tor_dying { my($id) = @_; $var[$id]{state} = 'dying'; $var[$id]{mode} = 'none'; ipt_del($id); } sub tor_dead { my($id) = @_; ipt_del($var[$id]{port}); $var[$id]{pid}=undef; $var[$id]{state}='killed'; $var[$id]{mode}='none'; } sub tor_kill { my($id) = @_; kill 'KILL', $var[$id]{pid}; } sub ipt_add { my($port) = @_; system("iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -A $conf{ipt_chain} " . sprintf($conf{ipt_rule}, $conf{ipt_source4}, "1.0", $port)) if $conf{proto}{ipv4}; system("ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -A $conf{ipt_chain} " . sprintf($conf{ipt_rule}, $conf{ipt_source6}, "1.0", $port)) if $conf{proto}{ipv6}; ipt_recalc(); } sub ipt_del { my($port) = @_; if ( $conf{proto}{ipv4} ) { open(IPT,"iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -L $conf{ipt_chain} -n --line-numbers |"); while() { chomp; if ( /^(\d+) .*mode random probability .* redir ports $port$/ ) { system("iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -D $conf{ipt_chain} $1"); } } close(IPT); } if ( $conf{proto}{ipv6} ) { open(IPT,"ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -L $conf{ipt_chain} -n --line-numbers |"); while() { chomp; if ( /^(\d+) .*mode random probability .* redir ports $port$/ ) { system("ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -D $conf{ipt_chain} $1"); } } close(IPT); } ipt_recalc(); } sub ipt_clean { system("iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -F $conf{ipt_chain}") if $conf{proto}{ipv4}; system("ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -F $conf{ipt_chain}") if $conf{proto}{ipv6}; } sub ipt_recalc { my @rules; if ( $conf{proto}{ipv4} ) { open(IPT,"iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -L $conf{ipt_chain} -n --line-numbers |"); while() { chomp; if ( /^(\d+) .*mode random probability .* redir ports (\d+)$/ ) { push @rules, [ $1, $2 ]; } } close(IPT); my $nums = @rules; for(my $num = 0; defined $rules[$num]; $num++) { my($rulenum,$port)=@{$rules[$num]}; my $prob = 1 / ($nums - $num); system("iptables -t $conf{ipt_table} -R $conf{ipt_chain} $rulenum " . sprintf($conf{ipt_rule}, $conf{ipt_source4}, $prob, $port)); } } if ( $conf{proto}{ipv6} ) { open(IPT,"ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -L $conf{ipt_chain} -n --line-numbers |"); while() { chomp; if ( /^(\d+) .*mode random probability .* redir ports (\d+)$/ ) { push @rules, [ $1, $2 ]; } } close(IPT); my $nums = @rules; for(my $num = 0; defined $rules[$num]; $num++) { my($rulenum,$port)=@{$rules[$num]}; my $prob = 1 / ($nums - $num); system("ip6tables -t $conf{ipt_table} -R $conf{ipt_chain} $rulenum " . sprintf($conf{ipt_rule}, $conf{ipt_source6}, $prob, $port)); } } } sub ipt_conn { my %s; if ( $conf{proto}{ipv4} ) { open(IPT,"conntrack -L -f ipv4 2>/dev/null |"); while() { chomp; if ( / dport=777 .* sport=(\d+) / ) { my $port = $1; if ( $port >= $conf{socks_offset} ) { my $id = $port - $conf{socks_offset}; $s{$id}{ipv4}++; } } } close(IPT); } if ( $conf{proto}{ipv6} ) { open(IPT,"conntrack -L -f ipv6 2>/dev/null |"); while() { chomp; if ( / dport=777 .* sport=(\d+) / ) { my $port = $1; if ( $port >= $conf{socks_offset} ) { my $id = $port - $conf{socks_offset}; $s{$id}{ipv6}++; } } } close(IPT); } for(my $id=0; defined $var[$id]; $id++) { $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv4} = exists $s{$id}{ipv4} ? $s{$id}{ipv4} : 0; $var[$id]{ipt}{ipv6} = exists $s{$id}{ipv6} ? $s{$id}{ipv6} : 0; } } sub log_add { open(F,'>>'.$conf{path}.'/'.$conf{statefile}.'.tmp'); printf F @_; close(F); } sub log_commit { rename $conf{path}.'/'.$conf{statefile}.'.tmp', $conf{path}.'/'.$conf{statefile}; }